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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Miscellaneous Rules of the Zakat-ul-Fitra

Miscellaneous Rules of the Zakat-ul-Fitra

Issue 879: The Zakat-ul-Fitra must be given with the intention of Qurbah (growing closer to Allah), that is, to obey the orders of Allah, and while giving it away they must make the intention for it.

Issue 880: It is not valid to give the Zakat-ul-Fitra before the month of Ramadhan; however, it will be in order if it is paid within Ramadhan; when a person lends some money to the poor before Ramadhan, and after Ramadhan they become obliged to give away the Zakat-ul-Fitra, it will be in order if they count the money as such alms paid to the poor by canceling the debt.

Issue 881: It will not suffice if the Zakat-ul-Fitra is given away out of defective property.

Issue 882: If a person is willing to offer the prayer of Fitr festival, they should give the Zakat-ul-Fitra before offering such prayer as an obligatory precaution; however, if they are not willing to offer the prayer of Fitr festival, they can postpone the giving away of the alms up until noon on Fitr festival.

Issue 883: If a person saves some property as the Zakat-ul-Fitra, they are not allowed to spend that property and give the alms out of some other property.

Issue 884: If a person allocates some of their own property to Zakat-ul-Fitra, and if there are some poor people in their own neighborhood who deserve to receive such alms, as an obligatory precaution, they must not give it away in some other place, and if they take it to some other place to give it away and doing this it is lost, they will have to compensate.

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