Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Library of Arabic Materials
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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: THE COMING OF THE WORLD PEACEMAKER AND MAN’S AVERSION TO WAR

THE COMING OF THE WORLD PEACEMAKER AND MAN’S AVERSION TO WAR Hate and disgust of man for war and violence is something that is evident, and the Peacemaker can never begin His movement and bring His message for the realization and the ascertainment of peace and justice with war and violence. We believe that anyone who is in the business of paving the ground for war and warmongering is a criminal and a sinner. The world of today is a world of reason and dialogue, and humanity has a particular disgust for war. We are hoping for a day when all weapons will be turned into moral soundness and merit. Such a day will be realized with the coming of the Shiite twelfth Imam, the Promised Mahdi (MGHHA).
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