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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: 6- Immersing one’s head in water

6- Immersing one’s head in water

Issue 796: If a fasting person intentionally immerses their entire head in water, their fast will be void, even if the rest of their body remains out of the water.

Issue 797: If a person, who is fasting, doubts whether they have immersed their entire head in water, their fast will be valid.

Issue 798: If a person has knows that their head is immersed in water whenever they fall into water, their fast will be void if despite knowing this, they throw themselves in water and their head is immersed.

Issue 799: If a person, who is observing fast forgets that he/she, is fasting and immerses his/her head in water with the intention of performing Ghusl, his/her fast and Ghusl will be valid.

Issue 800: If a person immerses his/her head in water in order to save someone from drowning, his/her fast will be void even if saving that person is considered an obligation.

Issue 801: If a person, who is fasting falls into water involuntarily and thus his head is immersed in the water, or if he/she forgets he/she is fasting and immerses his/her in the water, his/her fast will not be void; however, he/she must immediately raise his/her head out of the water as soon as he/she realizes he/she is fasting.

Q802: Does it invalidate the fast if a person covers his/her head with a covering which does not attach to his/her head like the things divers wear, and then immerse his/her head in water in Ramadhan?

A: In such cases, the fast will not be void, because one’s head is not directly immersed in water.

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