Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: Library of Arabic Materials
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Website of the Office of Grand Ayatullah Saanei :: 4- It must not be made of the parts of the body of the animals whose meat is illegal to eat. For example, it must not be made of the skin of a fox or a leopard.

4- It must not be made of the parts of the body of the animals whose meat is illegal to eat. For example, it must not be made of the skin of a fox or a leopard.

Issue 418: As an obligatory precaution, while praying, one must avoid even taking things made of the living parts such as the meat or skin of the body of a dead animal with them, let alone wearing clothes made of such things.

Issue 419: If the saliva, or mucus of the nose, or any other moisture of an animal whose meat is illegal to eat, like that of a cat, is on one's body or clothes, their prayers will be void if it is wet, but valid if it has dried up and the substance is removed.

Issue 420: If a person doubts whether their clothes are made of the parts of the body of an animal whose meat is legal to eat, their prayers in those clothes will be valid, irrespective of whether it is a local or imported product.

Issue 421: Praying in clothes made of the skin of a squirrel or of fur is not forbidden.

Issue 422: If a person offers prayers in clothes which they do not know or have forgotten is made of the parts of the body of an animal whose meat is illegal to eat, their prayers will be valid.

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